A categorization? Really difficult, given our diversity...
Although you cannot touch and feel the examples on this website as you would in our showroom in Innsbruck, you will certainly get a first impression of our diversity, our craftsmanship, and our passion.

We are team Oberhammer
Oberhammer is a German colloquial expression for exceptional. Which really sounds like self-praise, but all of us are simply proficient in what we do. And we didn't just make up the name of the company founder. Because that would be exceptional.
Benefit as a brand
Brands that engage the senses stand out. And that's exactly where we do our best: Our products are not just aesthetically pleasing, we also strive to create surprising haptic experiences. No matter if you are looking for custom-made single items or small/medium quantities.
Benefit as a partner
When different people combine their skills, every project becomes a win-win project. Or win-win-win-win, depending on how many partners are involved. In any case, we are interested in any new expertise and qualifications that can be incorporated into our know-how as a team.